The Roller Skating Association thanks you for your interest in the becoming a registered RSA Judge. RSA Judges are a vital part to our Roller Skating Achievement Program, ran through the SRSTA, as well as to competitive programs throughout the industry. All Test Centers (events where skaters compete against themselves to accomplish various levels and skating skills requirements) held for the Achievement Program must have registered RSA Judges to ensure skaters are evaluated objectively based upon the requirements of each achievement test. To learn more about the program, click on the + to learn more below.
General Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must be at least 15 years of age to hold a No.1 commission and at least 16 years of age to hold No.2, No.3 or No.4 commissions.
All RSA Judge Commissions must be registered yearly on or before June 1st through the RSA national office.
All RSA test judges must perform their activities through a judge’s panel registered with the RSA National Office.
Candidates for judges commissions who are not physically capable of skating the Achievement Test prerequisites should request a waiver of this requirement by completing the waiver section on the back of the RSA test judges application.
Candidates for a test commission who are 21 years of age or older may be automatically waived from the Achievement Test requirement provided the candidates holds at least a number one commission in an artistic category.
applying for commissions
Applications for judge commissions may be obtained from the website, RSA National Office, or judge’s panel advisor, chairman, or secretary. The candidate will complete the application and submit it to the panel advisor, chairman, or secretary (along with a $10.00 administration fee per test requested). The panel chairman or advisor will verify the contents of the application and certify the candidate has completed the prescribed course of study for the commission.
The panel officer will send the application to the RSA National Office with the $10 admin fee per test, and the proper examination will be issued. The applicant will have 30 days from the issue date of the test to return the completed exam to the RSA National Office. All tests are CLOSED book exams.
As of January, 1996, a candidate may apply for more than one commission at a time. The candidate cannot apply for more than one commission in the same discipline (ex. No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 American Team & Solo Dance test at one given time).
duties and responsibilities of a judge
RSA test judges must be thoroughly knowledgeable of the tests they will be judging and conduct themselves professionally at all times. Judges will evaluate each test candidate objectively based upon the requirements of each achievement test.
RSA test judges may advise the skater of his or her performance only after the test is completed and marked. It is suggested that this be done only if the skater’s professional or coach requests it. No test official may discuss or release the scores or grades to anyone. Test officials will not discuss or release the comparative standings or test scores of a skater. Achievement Tests are neither competitive nor comparative.
Only RSA test judges holding the required commissions in the test being judged may officiate at a test except as indicated in the Super Skater Program.
All Bronze level tests in all disciplines require only one RSA test judge to officiate. Rinks have the option of using three judges for these tests if they desire. Where other RSA test judges are not available, another SRSTA, SCA or RHCA instructor at that facility may judge these tests if he or she holds the required commissions for the tests to be judged.
rsa judge panels
RSA Achievement Test Judges are organized at the rink level into judging panels. The judges panel is the focus of recruiting and training RSA test judges for the rink. Judges panels may only be established at RSA member rinks except by written approval of the RSA Board of Directors.
To start a judges panel, contact the RSA National Office. The national office will assign the panel a panel number. All the training material, including quizzes, and general information may be found on the RSA web site. Everything you need except the final examinations are included. Most judges panels hold informal meetings once or twice a month. At one of the early meetings, the panel should elect a panel chairman and secretary. Usually the rink operator or instructor will act as panel advisor. Panels should establish a course of study for the judges and trainees. The panel chairman or advisor should discuss the answers of the quizzes with the panel members. By this process the panel advisor and chairman will learn which panel members are prepared for their judges tests.
reinstatement of judge commissions
RSA test judges who have not held an RSA test judges commission for three years or more are considered out-of-date with current judging procedures. Judges who have failed to renew their commissions must contact the RSA National Office and request a form to be reinstated. All of the information requested on the form must be completed by the person requesting to have commissions restored, signed by the panel chairman and return it to the RSA National Office. The form will be given to the Achievement Test Committee to determine what action will be taken. Applicants may be required to pay a fee and take a written exam.
judge commissions registration
New Applicants whom have passed a commission test or returning members need to fill out the Judge Commission Registration form, ensure you complete the information regarding the rink and panel you are operating out of, and submit with $4 membership fee. We must receive a renewal form for anyone who wishes to have their commissions registered with the RSA. This includes Life Time Members, RSA Owner/Operators, SRSTA Program Members and All 4’s Judges – even though your judge registration fee is waived.
Current Registered RSA Judges will now receive an invoice to renew their Judge Commissions. Invoices will be mailed in early April every year and must be returned with the registration fee by June 1st. We must receive an invoice for anyone who wishes to have their commissions renewed with the RSA. This includes Life Time Members, RSA Owner/Operators, SRSTA Program members and All 4's Judges - even though your judge registration fee is waived. This is to keep our records accurate.
Prospective judges or current judges who wish to upgrade to the next commission level will need to submit an application for the final examination. Applications should be filled out completely, signed by the panel chairperson who will be administering the exam and submitted with a $10 administration fee per test.
RSA test judges who have not held an RSA test judges commission for three years or more are considered out-of-date with current judging procedures. Judges who have failed to renew their commissions in over 3 years must fill out the Judge Reinstatement Application and submit for consideration. You will be notified if your reinstatement is accepted and if any fees are due.
Should you have any questions about becoming a judge, requirements, applications, tests, or to purchase a judges manual, please contact Sharon McMahon at [email protected] or call 317-347-2626 Ext. 108.